Friday, January 30, 2015

Lesson Plans for Feb. 2-6


Weekly Plans

Spelling: The next spelling test will be Friday, February 6.  As a reminder, 3rd nine weeks spelling words and sentences will be graded. Please practice writing sentences with your child. There are examples of dictation sentences on the homework sheet.

 Words are: bigger, biggest, faster, fastest, sadder, saddest, bridge, pledge, fudge, lodge, many, these

* Please use correct letter formation on spelling homework.



Reading: We will learn about comparative endings –er and –est and /dge/ as in fudge. 

We use –er when comparing two things and –est when comparing three or more things.

 Our reading skill will be to learn about the sequence of a story.

Our grammar skill is to learn about pronouns like me, he, we, she, and they.

High-Frequency words are: much, mean, line, right, too, before, old, any, same, tell

Math: Students will learn to add and subtract two-digit numbers. (Ex. 50+20=70 or 60-30= 30).  We will also practice finding 10 more and 10 less than a number. For example: What is 10 more than 22? What is 10 less 63? There are also many websites to help your child review addition and subtraction. Here are a few:,, and


Social Science: We be learning about animals that hibernate.


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