Friday, September 5, 2014

Lesson Plans for the week of Sep. 8-12

Lesson Plans

Spelling: The next spelling test will be September 12th. The spelling words and dictation sentences are not graded the 1st nine weeks but IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to establish this routine of studying and testing.

Spelling words are: nap, naps, sit, sits, win, wins, fit, fits, hit, hits, they, have

Reading: Our story we will read is, “A Fox and a Kit.”  The genre is nonfiction. We will learn about the inflected endings –s and –ing. Our reading skill will be to learn about finding the main idea in a story. In language, we will learn about interrogative (asking/questions) sentences.

High Frequency Words (Students are supposed to recognize these words in 3 seconds or less): but, not, what, all, were, we, when, your, can, said

Math: We will be making numbers different ways and focusing on concepts of addition. For example: 3+2=5, 4+1=5, 5+0=5, 2+3=5

Social Science: We will learn about our 5 senses.